So what IS my secret to staying healthy after breast cancer?
What is my secret? Can you guess? Hint: It’s not rocket science
A few weeks ago, I had a check up with my oncologist. He looked through my blood work and said with a smile, ‘wow, what’s your secret?’ … which is excellent news, gave me a little proud glow. And got me thinking.
What IS my secret??
I mean, I generally choose a healthy lifestyle. I exercise quite a lot. But a lot less than I used to. I try to prioritize sleep. But I suffer from insomnia sometimes. I try not to let stress take over. But my kids frequently push me over the edge. Parenting is not good for cortisol levels.
My choices are definitely not perfect.
I’ve just been on holiday and had at least one ice cream, usually two, every day. I do a lot less intense exercise than I used to so overall, I’m much less fit than I used to be. I still eat sugar and dairy and meat. I still enjoy the occasional drink.
So I’m delighted that my blood seems to be top of the bloodwork class.
What’s my point here?
I’ve come to realize :
My secrets aren’t secrets.
They’re quite boring.
And not very surprising.
Can you guess?
Since cancer, I have changed my diet. I eat a lot more vegetables and fruit. And good fats. But I still eat the stuff I enjoy and we still eat as a family, which means pizza and fish fingers sometimes.
Since cancer I have reduced my alcohol consumption to one or two glasses of wine a week. I regularly go a couple of weeks without a drink. I pick my moments.
Since cancer, I have changed my exercise focus. I am still an endurance girl at heart. But I’ve taken the pressure off performance and added in a lot more strength work and physio to help my creaky joints. I swim regularly to help lymphoedema.
And sleep. I still sometimes get phases of insomnia, but since I have made a conscious decision not to sweat the small stuff, I sleep better. If I’m having night sweats or my mind is whirring, I’ve learnt to trust that it’s temporary and I will fall back to sleep. Or sleep better the next night.
So, no surprises. No secrets. No quick fix.
But it’s really good to know that my choices show in my blood.
Also talking of consistency I seem to have a 2 fingers photo thing going on. Need to work on that! 🤣
The two finger thing needs to go!